Saturday, 19 January 2013

The First Letter In Your Name PredictsYour Character:(All English SMS)

The First Letter In Your Name PredictsYour Character:
A― Romantic
B― Proud
C― Innocent
D― Lovable
E― Good but Hurtfull
G― Logical Minded
H― Leadership Potential
I― Helpful
J― Free-Spirited
K― Irritating
L― Funny
M― Emotional
N― Sensible
O― Supportive
P― Crazy Q―Unpredictable
R― Practical
S― Loving
T― Fake
U― Sensitive
V― Genius
W― Calm
X― Easy-Going
Y― Intelligent
Z― Jovial

I Love My Friends (or whatever you want):

Exams are like Girl friends
- Too many questions
- Difficult to understand
- More explanation is needed
- Result is always fail!

Students in the class
(-_-) (-_-) (-_-) (-_-) (-_-) (-_-) (-_-) (-_-)

When teacher say tomorrow will be exam

(O_O) (O_O) (O_O) (O_O) (O_O) (O_O)

During the exam

(→_→) (←_←) (→_→) (←_←) (→_→) (←_←)

when monitor come in

(↓_↓) (↓_↓) (↓_↓) (↓_↓) (↓_↓)

In the end of the exam

(๏̯͡๏) (͡๏̯͡๏) (͡๏̯͡๏) (͡๏̯͡๏) (͡๏̯͡๏) (͡๏̯͡๏) (͡๏̯͡๏)

A couple Fighting on phone...
Girl: I know u dont love me now...:(
you love somebody else...
Boy : I also know that u dont love me... :
Girl: I'm breaking up with you goto the
person whom you love... :'(
(Girl cuts the phone, and boy call her
again and at the same time girl call

(The number you have dial is busy...)

(Girl calling him Boy picks her call...)
Girl: Who is the bit** you were
calling? :q

Boy : *tears* it was you... :'(
Girl: Awww...
Boy: I love you Sweet heart... ♥
Girl: *Speechless...* :*

I want an honest relationship. No secrets. No lies. No cheating.
What do you do when someone hurt you ?

1. Revenge
2. Thank them
3. Sleep
4. Cry
5. Abuse them
6. Listen to music
7. Slap them

Fill in the Blanks

*Played In The La Liga
*He is 25 years old
*He is a Winger / Forward


"_ _ _ e" "_ _ _ _ _ _ o _"

Wen things go wrong...
Wen sadness fills ur heart...
wen tears flow in ur eyes...
always remember 3 things
1) I'm with u...
2) Still with u...
3) Will ALWAYS b...

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